Saturday, April 4, 2015

April 2, 2015 A dream message

Woke up this morning from a dream. In my dream I get to say all the things I wanted to say, pour out my heart on this person. Telling that person exactly how I felt... The emptiness, the fears, the anger, somehow also the disappointments I was feeling. In reality, I so wanted to do that just to unleash the hurts and fears I keep in... In my dream, I saw the person's face going from smiling to hurting and started to doubt self. In reality, this is what I fear. I can handle all the confusion that is in me but I can never handle hurting this person this way.
So glad to have had that dream. It is a great reminder for me. There are words of truth that you want to unleash because it's what you feel but you also have to consider someone is on the receiving end of it... Is that person really deserving of those words? Is that person worth feeling the hurt from your words? My answer is a big NO.
Christ knows our fears and our hurts and He is saying, bring it all to me. I paid for it in full. You need not fear anymore, let go of the hurts, but please don't hurt each other. Love... Such a strong feeling of affection. Love... it's what Christ has showed us when He died on the Cross. Love... Let it reign. Let it be the only feeling we focus on. Let us love... no more hate...

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