Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22 Reflection: I will keep my promise

"I will keep my promise." says the Lord. It may seem slow but God is working to make sure you will receive what He has promised. What may seem impossible will be made possible. In His time.

In my life... God promised to make a complete change for His glory.

From hating him, wanting to hurt him, strangle him, to embracing him with love... full of it.
From almost zero cash... to financial stability... Not at its fullest but much better and life is comfortable because we have more than enough.
From thinking about what the future holds, trying to open up my heart to be loved by another man if I do find Mr. Right, to opening up my heart again to the same Mr. Right. :) Naks!
From worrying about how he handles our finances, recently he gained back my trust on finances.
From bitterness towards my past, from childhood to adulthood, God used certain people to help me face them and heal fully. Moving on with no more bitterness. Just a great story as testimony on how He changes our hearts.
From feeling like a fraud to my own self... that despite my faith, I hide a part of me and can't let go, to finally letting go and God took it and threw it away and He set me free! This is beyond explanation. I am still in awe. :)
From family turmoils, anger circulates everyday in the house, to finally receive a father's blessing, to more patience and a big change in the atmosphere at home. Many times I noticed that instead of the usual lashing out, they are speaking calmly to each other... and so do I.

What's up in store?

-Leave and cleave for the last time... SOON :)

-Everyone in the family would go back to Him and all of us would live long and will spend eternity with Him.

I am amazed at how God worked in my life and the lives of the people around me.

June 20 Reflection: Guard your heart

In the middle of the night I was awaken suddenly for no reason... Then my heart felt clouded with the feeling of disgust in myself. The feeling of uncertainty, of negativity, of shame... My heart suddenly felt so dark, so depressed and all the other negative feelings just came over me... and when I was lured into the spiraling, hypnotic loop of worthlessness, the Holy Spirit whispered to me with an intense and alert voice "GUARD YOUR HEART!" and I quickly said "Yes, Lord!" and I started praying. I was alerted in a manner that takes you from being hypnotized back to your sane self. And I just prayed and prayed and thought about other things like what to do today, etc... Just anything to fight off the attack.
It's amazing how the darkness will try to steal away the joy in your heart. It tried to trick me again but the Holy Spirit came forward to remind me to guard my heart.
WHAT AN EXPERIENCE! And after some time, I felt joyful again. Ha-ha! My God beat you! 

June 18 Reflection. God cleansed me

As I got home, tucked my daughter to sleep, I reflected on God's ways in my life. It is true when God works in you He will finish it COMPLETELY. Got so amazed that upon declaration that I had been released from my chains something in me was taken away from me... That only thing that God had been reminding me to throw away from my life which I kept hidden because was too afraid to show it, too embarrassed to express to the Lord of my own miseries, God knew it and God wanted to fix it. In His amazing way things just happened in a way that I never ever imagined would happen. I faced my demon head on. I faced it and showed my fragility by accepting the consequence. By accepting ridicule. But instead of hate I was given love... such great love. And that love began the transformation.
Tonight I threw away that chain. I threw it in the ocean and its heaviness will let it go down into deep waters never to be seen again. I rejoice in the Lord! I can't stop my tears from falling. I rejoice! I am finally FREE!!! I can now serve the Lord fully!!!

May 21 Reflection

Letting God is easy... if we want something it is easy to say let God decide if it is for you or not. But before you can let God, you must let go first...and that is the hard part. We are used to making the decisions ourselves but to fully surrender that and let God, well... it doesn't seem so easy, right? It is still really a test of faith. How much do you trust Him? Do you trust Him enough to actually fully let go?